The annual compensation paid to board directors is generally composed of an annual cash retainer, board meeting fees, and stock options or stock grants. These stock options are generally equivalent in value to 20-25% of a director’s annual retainer. A standard compensation package might consist of a $100K cash retainer, $1500-2500 fee per board meeting […]
NEW Board Demand Forecast 2024
Demand for Board Director Diversity is Soaring
As it nears the end of 2023, many of America’s top public companies showcase increasingly diverse boards of directors. Although there has been significant progress in expanding director appointments, to reflect many types of diversity, there is always room for improvement. Recently, the corporate sector has been overwhelmed by the impact of the pandemic, geopolitical […]
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
In recent years, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly taken nearly every industry by storm. AI and machine learning have been around for decades, but it is only very recently that a form of AI called generative AI has become so accessible. Generative AI uses deep-learning models to learn from inputted data and […]
What does a typical board meeting look like?
Board meetings typically occur 8 times annually. These meetings serve as forums for company strategy discussions, financial report reviews and consideration of executive director and committee reports. The primary goal is always for directors to plan on continuing to move forward by making important decisions. Performance, strategy and new initiatives are often points of discussion. […]
NASDAQ’s Board Diversity Proposal Revisited
Alongside, growing demand for greater board diversity in the corporate sector, NASDAQ proposed a rule requiring its thousands of companies to have at least two diverse directors on their boards. In August 2021, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved a new board diversity rule put in place by the NASDAQ exchange. This rule, […]